Facility Management确保建造环境的全部功能。大学最好的做法是什么?
AEC professionals have the opportunity to pass along valuable information to their clients, and to a building’s future maintenance manager. The information sharing and storage capacity of BIM can be leveraged to help architects, system designers, and installers deliver a more complete product than was ever before possible.
Initial costs represent only 15% of a building’s total cost. If you ignore this when developing a building, you are wasting the other 85% of your costs. Keeping the initial capital cost as low as possible seems right, but it’s costing you a lot more over the life of the building. Visibility into the total cost of ownership is one way to address this. Justification and decisions should be based on the total cost of ownership, not just initial costs.
FM系统是设施和物业经理必须管理他或她的职责最重要的工具。它们提供了对运营的批判性,决策和分析和改进的流程和高效服务的信息。所有这些都导致成本较低和更好的服务。 p> div>
Real estate costs money and money is the bottom line for any company. Facilities managers who recognize this can raise their profile and contribute to the success of the company by accurately establishing facility costs and positioning the information for better corporate decisions. Western Michigan University (WMU), located just west of downtown Kalamazoo, is one of Michigan’s premier universities. With an enrollment of nearly 25,000 students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, Western Michigan University has made a name for itself in both education and research. Michel Theriault了解设施管理人员每天面临的工作环境-技术挑战和机遇facility management organizations and additionally the relationships and business dynamic beyond the facilities management staff. Many facility management resources offer the latest technical insights and maintenance strategies, but Theriault’s book takes on facilities management business aspects not often addressed in this field. Managing Facilities & Real Estate clearly stands out in this regard. It offers rare and valuable business advice for facility managers using practical and easy-to-read terminology and graphics. 正如许多建筑师、工程师、开发人员和设施管理人员所知道的,LEED项目有许多远大的目标。这些目标通常包括大幅减少能源和水的使用。然而,一旦项目完成,这些目标通常会被忽略,这表明对持续过程的迫切需求,以确保预期的性能得到满足或超过。正是考虑到这一点,美国绿色建筑委员会 (USGBC)创建了建筑绩效伙伴关系。< / p > < / div >
It may seem hard to believe, but simply documenting how your clients will use space in their buildings is a critical input into space management. Proper management of space and occupancy can equate to dramatic, bottom-line savings for your clients. 在考虑荧光照明系统升级时,许多设施经理通过将适配器放置在现有的照明灯具中进行改造。带适配器的照明改装套件具有更全面的照明系统元件升级的优点 - 它们重用现有的灯具夹具,提供新的自包含电子灯镇流器,并提供减少的安装,维护和运营成本。我们将看看参与T5照明改造项目的基本思想,包括投资回报(ROI)案例研究,计算回报率少于五年。 p> div>
热成像或红外热成像是一种非破坏性维护方法,使用红外相机测量由转换为温度的物体发出的热辐射量。通常,为了测量室温附近的物体的温度需要检测红外波长范围内的辐射(其比可见光,即约400-700纳米)。红外图像通常是着色的,使得发出比其他物体更多的热辐射的物体将显示为更亮的颜色(黄色,红色和白色)。冷却器对象显示在较暗的蓝色,紫色或绿色。虽然热成像通常仅检测表面温度,但红外签名通常指示结构内的温度。 p> div>
Baldwin-wallace学院在俄亥俄州,在2060万美元的中间 - 其中120万美元代表信息技术(IT)部分 - 建设项目,将其音乐学院的物理大小加倍。预计将于2011年秋季完成,该项目包括重大装修和新建筑;与邻近的教堂综合体加入两个现有的校园大楼。前期规划至关重要,以确保良好的IT安装,满足学生和教授的所有需求,明智地使用资本资金。以下是IT系统规划和基础架构中涉及的基本概念。Greg Flanik and Daniel Stilla from Baldwin-Wallace’s IT department provided Buildipedia a look into the planning and technologies involved in getting their new building “wired for sound.” Theodore (Ted) E. Scott是马里兰州亨特谷雨水维护有限责任公司的管理成员。他为我们的听众提供了一些关于雨水系统的检查、维护和修理的见解。我们将研究的这些系统分为三类:地表盆地、地下结构和排水系统。< / p > < / div >
在大多数情况下,规例规定业主须维修塘堤及排水口工程,以确保结构完整及水坝安全。适当的维护还减少了池塘和湖泊所有权的责任,减少了可能影响下游财产的故障的可能性。业主或物业管理人员可能认为适当的维护只是在后来才知道他们需要昂贵的维修。这种情况说明,许多提供日常维护的承包商,如庭园设计师,没有经过适当的培训来识别可能存在问题或导致所有权成本增加的问题。< / p > < / div >
技术在过去十年中,整个建筑物或校园内监控紧急照明系统的技术都在澳大利亚的普及。在过去的六年中,应急照明监测系统在北美也变得更加流行。这些系统背后的想法是将所有退出标志和紧急(电池供电)照明设备连接到中央计算机站,以便在测试时可以单独报告其功能状态,为设施管理者提供大量时间和成本效益。 p> div>
鸟类控制是一种阻止鸟类从着陆,栖息和筑巢的方法。在不太极端的例子中,建筑物中的鸟类可以妨碍工人的生产力,并创造额外的建筑维护和清洁挑战。在更极端的情况下,他们可以损坏资本设备并产生重大的安全危险。幸运的是,存在整个行业的存在,为鸟类控制提供各种产品和技术,包括鸟尖峰,鸟震动轨道,网,香水,钢丝阵,以及捆绑的电线等。 p> Sound masking technologies broadcast a consistent, comfortable, and unobtrusive background sound within a work space for the purpose of facilitating speech privacy. They prevent the transmission of speech beyond its intended local audience by carefully raising the level of ambient background noise within a building; often sound masking equipment is installed in an office, classroom, or meeting area. 二氧化碳(CO2)是人类呼吸的副产品。每次我们呼气时,CO2 被释放到我们周围的大气中。Currently, CO2 sensors can be used to automatically control ventilation systems in buildings equipped with Building Automation Systems (BAS). This is referred to as Demand Control Ventilation (DCV). 计算机化维护管理系统(CMMS)为全国商业,工业,医疗和教育机构的广泛设施利益相关者提供了许多优势。 What if your firm could help your clients to increase their net income by 4%?