该布拉德伯里大楼,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州,始建于1893年,并已知其较大的内院和五层中庭电影发烧友,配有锻铁掐丝妆点。在电影,包括“双倍赔偿”,并广泛使用的“唐人街”的白普理是最知名的如J.F. Sebastian的公寓楼在“刀锋战士”。它是由刘易斯L.布拉德伯里,谁开原建筑师萨姆纳亨特和推广制图员乔治·怀曼领导该项目委托。据传说,黄伟文只咨询了扶乩板(类似OUI-JA板),并收到消息后签署了“把布拉德伯里建筑,你一定会成功。”在一个奇怪的巧合,怀曼的孙子,心爱的科幻出版商阿甘J.阿克曼,是朋友与作家雷·布拉德伯里,没有关系的刘易斯。
"Before Midnight," the third film in Richard Linklater’s ongoing collaboration with actors Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy, examines the intersecting lives of rakish writer Jesse and environmentalist Celine, respectively, nine years after the events of the previous entry in the series, "Before Sunset" (which was set 9 years after the original film, "Before Sunrise"). Now a couple with twin daughters, Jesse and Celine spend the early stretch relaxing at a friend’s sprawling and gorgeous house on the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece. As the unhurried conversations unfold and the usual frictions resurface, the scene of the action shifts to a sterile hotel room, and the film becomes emotionally and physically claustrophobic, a turn made all the more effective due to the expansive, natural beauty of the previous setting. This initial location, which in the fictional narrative is owned by one of Jesse’s writer friends, has a literary pedigree itself: It was the home of colorful British travel writer Patrick “Paddy” Leigh Fermor until his death in 2011, and in his will he left the property to Athens’贝纳基博物馆,但附带条件是,它将被保留下来,作为那些可能希望花些时间在郁郁葱葱的环境中工作的作家们的休养地。在写这篇文章的时候,已经有人对贝纳基博物馆提出了指控,声称这座建筑年久失修,没有按照弗莫尔的意愿使用。所有人都认为,希腊最近的经济衰退是问题的根源,而现在,房屋摇摇欲坠。就弗莫尔而言,他被认为是该地区的英雄,因成功绑架并将德国将军海因里希·克赖佩(Heinrich Kreipe)从克里特岛的基地转移而闻名。
最令人难忘、印象最深刻的电影拍摄地之一,应该是《鸟瞰酒店》(the Overlook Hotel),这是斯坦利·库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)根据史蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的《闪灵》(the Shining)改编的电影。出现在屏幕上的远眺酒店是一个融合:室内是当时建造的最大的布景之一,是在英国伯翰伍德的EMI Elstree工作室的摄影棚上搭建的,外部是在俄勒冈州胡德山的Timberline旅馆拍摄的。建立实际上国王写小说的启发,斯坦利在埃斯蒂斯公园酒店,科罗拉多州,本身就是作为1997年电视迷你系列基于位置产生的本王作为补救库布里克的标志性的适应,国王已经否认不忠的精神,他的小说,说这部电影“永远不要让你的喉咙和挂在真正的恐惧应该的方式。”
Sheats Goldstein住宅于1963年竣工,但随后经过几十年的改建,由业主James Goldstein和建筑师John Lautner设计。在《大勒博斯基》(The Big Lebowski)中,因色情摄影师杰基·特雷霍恩(Jackie Treehorn)的摇摆单身公寓而出名的那部分房产,是泳池旁边的休息区,有着高耸的混凝土天花板和长长的内置长凳座位。和劳特纳的许多作品一样,这栋房子的设计意图是消除人造结构与周围环境之间的脱节,在这里,郁郁葱葱的山坡提供了无与伦比的洛杉矶景观。从房子往下走,戈尔茨坦的房产还拥有一个名为“地平线之上”(Above Horizon)或“戈尔茨坦天空”(the Goldstein Skyspace)的艺术装置。Designed byJames Turrell,装置提供了一个独特的视角在黎明和黄昏通过战略安置的窗户和一个定时照明显示,旨在与日出和日落的颜色对比。
罗曼·波兰斯基(Roman Polanski) 1968年的电影《罗丝玛丽的婴儿》(Rosemary’s Baby)开篇就充斥着这种不祥的气氛,很难说哪一个与这种气氛更密不可分。这部电影改编自伊拉·莱文(Ira Levin)的畅销小说《罗丝玛丽的婴儿》(Rosemary’s Baby)。的欢唱和孩子气但同样不祥的音调Krzysztof Komeda萦绕的主题音乐或纽约的直升机照片,这表明一个超自然的力量寻找人类的猎物,最终定居在达科塔(称为电影中的Bramford),一个公寓大楼的gable-crowded屋顶和丰富的栏杆让旧世界的感觉优雅哥特式的暗流的威胁。南门是一扇大门,通向中心的庭院。达科塔自1884年首次开放以来,一直是抢手的居住地,所有的公寓空间都已预售一空。这部由约翰·卡萨维蒂(John Cassavetes)和米娅·法罗(Mia Farrow)主演的电影中,这位年轻的演员和他的全职妻子不太可能靠演员的工资在达科他租得起房间。在银幕之外,这座建筑有着自己令人毛骨悚然的历史:约翰·列侬(John Lennon)从1973年到1980年在这里经营公寓,后来在外面的人行道上被谋杀。
作为历史地标和仍在运作的消防站,虎克与梯子8号位于翠贝卡的瓦里克街和摩尔街的交叉口,对于上了年纪的电影观众来说,它会立刻被认出是捉鬼者的故乡。在1984年的电影中,这个车站被用作同名团队总部的外墙。内部是在洛杉矶一个退休的消防站拍摄的,因为钩子和梯子8号在电影拍摄期间是活跃的。它建于1904年,在1913年瓦里克街拓宽时被砍掉了一半。尽管纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)把它列入了作为预算措施而关闭的消防站名单,但它仍在使用。
The Danvers State Hospital (aka The Danvers State Insane Asylum), shooting location and setting of Brad Anderson’s 2001 cult horror film "Session 9," was built by Nathaniel Jeremiah Bradlee from 1874 to 1878, using the Kirkbride Plan for mental institutions, which employed long, staggered wings to maximize sunlight and circulating air for the benefit of the patients. Claimed by some to be the site of the first prefrontal lobotomy, the Danvers State Hospital was also known in its time for controversies related to overcrowded conditions and rumors of inhumane treatment. The various structures constituting the hospital were connected by a system of tunnels, a factor of convenience in its design, allowing safe transport between buildings during inclement weather. The system of tunnels lent "Session 9" the ideal backdrop for one of its many lingering scares. Owing to the intimidating nature of the structure, with its multiple towers and intricate granite work, it is easy to see why H.P. Lovecraft scholars maintain that it inspired Lovecraft to create the Arkham Sanitarium as part of his fictional, dread-besotted town of Arkham, an idea borrowed in 1974 when DC Comics scribe Dennis O’Neil introduced Arkham Asylum in "Batman" #258 as the eventual residence of any criminal foolish enough to tangle with Gotham’s own Dark Knight. Demolition of the Danvers State Hospital (abandoned since 1992) began in 2005 as the process of converting the property to apartment buildings began. Roughly a third of the original structure is intact today.
卡兹尼神殿(以下简称“财政部”)也许是佩特拉的古代雕刻城市的最令人惊叹的建筑作品中,通过SIQ(“轴”)访问,一个狭窄的峡谷,通过约旦沙漠风超过一英里。Dating back to anywhere from roughly 100 to 300 AD, Al Khazneh, originally intended for use as a crypt, was cut directly into the sandstone rock face at the Siq’s terminus and showcases upon its facade a host of sculptures related to the afterlife, many of which have eroded over the 2,000 years that the building has existed. It earned its “Treasury” designation from a spurious legend maintaining that bandits once secreted their ill-gotten riches in a stone urn on Al Khazneh’s second story. The urn was supposedly later shown to be comprised of solid stone. Petra itself was relatively unknown in the Western world until traveller Johann Ludwig Burckhardt reported its existence after a trip to the region in 1812. Al Khazneh may be best known to modern audiences as the scene of Sallah’s discovery that his friend Indiana Jones took his self-given nickname from the family dog. Director Steven Spielberg chose the site, as well as the ravine leading up to it, to stand in for the secret resting place of the Holy Grail in the rousing 1989 sequel “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” The actual Treasury is but a few feet deep, however, so the interior chambers and passageways depicted onscreen existed only as manmade sets. Interestingly, filmmaker David Lean had hoped to film the relevant scenes in his sumptuous historical epic “Lawrence of Arabia” on location in Petra but, primarily due to budget limitations, had to settle for recreating the city in Spain.
Arguably the first community developed completely in accordance with the New Urbanist movement in neighborhood planning, Seaside, Florida, isn’t simply an instantly lovable place, chockablock with quaint wood-framed houses redolent of the Panhandle tradition – it’s a place that was meticulously engineered to provoke just that feeling of warm, timeless belonging. Everything is constructed and laid out with foot traffic in mind. The elaborately designed homes are packed tightly on narrow, brick-paved streets. It could be the newness of Seaside, the construction of which began in 1979 and which has been expanding ever since, or just that fact that when enough individual charms are carefully built in to a planned community, a cynical response is natural for some, but in any case, this is both a lovely town and a vaguely fake-seeming one, where one might wish to lose oneself forever while also harboring fears that the town’s happy, affluent residents are hiding pods in their basements. It is precisely this quality that made Seaside the perfect location to shoot the majority of Peter Weir’s "The Truman Show," a 1998 film that told the odd tale of a man whose entire life was, unbeknownst to him, a television show, "master-planned" in the manner of a New Urbanist neighborhood. In the end (Spoiler Alert!) Truman escapes from Seaside (Seahaven in the movie), but why would he want to?