>没有良好稳定的清洁水源,任何家庭都无法正常生活。许多家庭不必要地浪费大量的水,这不仅对环境造成了影响,而且对我们的钱包造成了影响。< /强> < / p > < / div >
需要解决的电项目,如安装吊扇或照明?找出你需要DIY其中电工工具。 STRONG> P> DIV>
知识和定期保养能增强功能,并增加你家冷却系统的寿命,而且还可以节省你的钱。 STRONG> p> DIV>
<夏季热浪来袭,所以我们想出了一些简单易行的方法来保持凉爽。< /强> < / p > < / div >
建立一个新的家?施工过程中安装网络和避免电缆的难看混为一谈。强> p> DIV>
管理您的手机您的家庭安全已成为用户友好和方便。家庭自动化现已作为在智能手机或平板电脑的应用程序。 STRONG> P> DIV>
<强>在能量效率的利益,节省资金,和保护环境,许多房主都选择供应的每日公用事业,如电力和热的替代手段水。例如,太阳能热水器可以帮助业主成功地满足这些不断增长的利益。强> p> DIV>
使您的能源需求和用途进行评估是既省钱的重要方式和忠于可持续的价值。 STRONG> 让这家人的安全应该永远是头等大事,但它早已证明了昂贵和繁琐,保护我们的家园与报警和监控系统。 STRONG> p> DIV>
您多久需要清洁一次管道系统?建议各不相同,因此具体的情况和偏好应该决定这项任务的时间。每天我们都要把家里的灰尘从户外带到家里。根据我们的日常活动,我们也会在室内产生灰尘。当粒子在空气中悬浮时,它们会被吸入我们的暖通空调系统。(我们的孩子甚至会把玩具、袜子或球扔到里面)。随着时间的推移,粒子会沿着管道内壁聚集。想象一下,如果你从不打扫家具或地板,它们会是什么样子。清理管道系统内积聚的污垢、灰尘和杂物是常识,也是良好内务管理的一部分。< / p > < / div >
按照我们一步一步的指导,并成功安装轨道照明。 STRONG> p> 在您的家中安装的轨道灯真的可以美化房间并赋予它新的氛围。加入我们的主机,杰夫·威尔逊,他演示了如何轻松地安装新的轨道灯照亮你的家。 p> DIV>
每年的基础上进行一些简单的维护任务,日程安排专业的暖通空调服务,并在其预期寿命享受高效的性能和您的中央空调的无故障运行(也许更长)。 STRONG> p> 20世纪之交,但没有大规模生产,为家庭,直到二战结束后以后发明的,空调也增加了我们的舒适和修改的景观,从东海岸到西海岸。According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2009 American Housing Survey (AHS), 75% of owner-occupied housing in the United States has a central air conditioning unit. The average life expectancy of these air conditioning units is 10–15 years, according to the Study of Life Expectancy of Home Components, prepared in 2007 by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Neglecting your unit will result in a shortened lifetime, costly repairs, and higher energy costs due to inefficient operation. Maintain your unit and you will extend its lifetime and keep repair and energy costs low while ensuring your comfort on those hot summer days. <强>电弧故障电路断续器(ACFIs)去激励电路在检测到电弧故障时,防止过热和可能的燃烧。ACFIs加强安全在任何家庭,并且需要一些新的建筑,由国家不同。 STRONG> p> 在过去的十年左右,约电弧故障电路中断,并在住宅建设其所需使用的讨论官员,机构,企业和相关建筑行业个体之间已经炸开了锅。Change can be difficult but “only the wisest and stupidest of men never change," as Confucius said. Change has occurred consistently in residential electrical systems since Thomas Edison unveiled the first electric light on New Year’s Eve, 1879. Knob and tube, cloth-braided, PVC-jacketed, two wire then three wire, fuses then breakers… the list goes on and on. Change happens. Most of that change can be attributed to our steadily increasing understanding of electricity since we were first electrified. With its increasing use in our homes, and the considerations of inhabitants’ safety and the prevention of property damage, it is not surprising that regulations have continued to change. So why do we resist? We should expect change and grow with it, particularly when it is in the interest of our own safety and can prevent the loss of property. 即热式热水器都在最“绿色家园改进”名单热门线路项目。是否安装即热式热水器还清,如果是这样,它需要多长时间才能看到你的投资回报?这取决于你的使用率和其他因素...检查出的成本比较之下 STRONG> p> 我们大多数人认为热水是理所当然的 - 但我们真的不应该。按照美国能源部中,加热水占14%-25在我们的家园所消耗的能量%。如果你和大多数人一样,你有一个传统的燃气容积式热水器,供应你的家庭。如果失败的话,你很可能会立即与其他传统燃气容积式热水器取代它,因为这是最便宜的选择,它会迅速减轻任何潜在的另一个冷水淋浴。Iinstead等待,直到你的加热器休息,你应该计划(现,而水是热的!)为您的热水器的替代品。We’ll provide basic information about some of your options by taking a look at two types of ENERGY STAR-qualified water heaters: high-efficiency gas storage and whole-home gas tankless. Then, when your water heater fails, you’ll be able to make an educated decision and purchase an energy-efficient replacement. According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, this upcoming winter will be a season of unusually cold and stormy weather. While homes in the north are more likely to experience longer durations of cold temperatures, homeowners in the south shouldn’t ignore the potential for one or two cold spells. During the cold winter months, frozen pipes are a serious risk to your health and home. With Old Man Winter right around the corner, now is the time protect your home and prevent frozen pipes. Houses with in-ground basements, if they were built after the 1980s, commonly have AC-powered sump pumps installed. The sole purpose of such a pump is to discharge groundwater that is collected in a sump, then direct it outside and away from the foundation. The anticipated life span of a pump depends on how often it’s used, as well as the size, type, and quality of the pump installed. Unfortunately, there is no definitive duration of time that one can expect a sump pump to last; it may operate for 5, 15, or even 30 years. No matter the age of the pump, it won’t operate during a power failure, and such failures are common enough occurrences during severe storms. For these reasons, a sump pump’s failure to operate cannot be planned for. The best work-around is to put in place a preventative measure, such as a battery or water powered backup sump pump system, to insure that groundwater is collected and removed. 您与您的制造商合作,计划建设一个新的家或改造 A>你的现房?也许你只是考虑自己的下一步行动。机会是你已经听说过PEX管道和一直想知道,如果它是相比于更传统的管道材料,的铜。虽然PEX(交联聚乙烯)是一种较新的相对管道材料比铜或甚至氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC),它具有用在住宅应用中成功的历史。PEX已经在欧洲自1960年以来使用的,建于上世纪80年代推出以来经历了美国显著增长。在一个高度管制的行业,PEX管经过广泛的测试和认证,以满足严格的性能要求,以确保高质量的材料,提供健康的饮用水。 p> DIV>
The old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” couldn’t be truer when it comes to your furnace. Whether you have an oil, gas, or electric furnace, it’s important for your health, safety, and even your home budget, to perform regular checks and maintenance. Join our host, Jeff Wilson, for a review of some simple tips and tricks to keep your furnace operating safely at its highest efficiency. 厨房或浴室里应该安装什么样的插座?答案是一个GFCI出口,或接地故障电路中断出口。GFCI(或GFI)插座应安装在任何可能接触到水的地方;例如厨房、浴室、洗衣房、车库或外部空间。基本上,GFCI插座会感应到电流什么时候会通过人的身体,它会在电击之前关闭。安装这种类型的插座只比安装一个标准的三叉插座稍微复杂一点。加入家庭频道的主持人Jeff Wilson,学习如何安装GFCI电源插座。< / p > < / div >
与我们有益的指导,通过几个简单的步骤,更换旧灯具。 STRONG> p> 旧灯具可以使日的房间看看。有趣的是,在安装新的灯具是最简单的事情变化之一,是正在作业的任何做它,自己动手才能解决。加入我们的主机,杰夫·威尔逊,因为他证明拔出旧灯具,并用一个新的来照亮你的房间替换它的工作。 p> DIV>
Whether you have a broken electrical outlet or just want to update the look of your home’s electrical devices to go with the new decorating, installing a new 120-volt electrical outlet is a simple project. A broken or faulty outlet is a definite concern, and, as with any electrical project around the home, safety is the number one concern. With a little bit of advice and a focus on safety, any homeowner or DIYer can replace an electrical outlet. Join the At Home channel’s host, Jeff Wilson, for a quick lesson on how to install a standard 120-volt electrical outlet. 焊接铜管,通常被称为“出汗”管,是一种作业任何房主可以做。与任何家装DIY或项目,它开始之前,了解基本的技能是很重要的。经过一点点的规划,并确保你手头上有合适的工具,焊接铜管应该很简单。加入我们的主机,杰夫·威尔逊,因为我们学习所需要的基本技能,使管道中最常见的一个连接。 P> DIV>
干燥机移除由过湿,翻滚衣物吹热空气中的水分。热,充满水分的空气通过干燥器通风管道排出的家庭之外。根据家庭组成,于2007年由住宅建筑商协会(NAHB)编制的预期寿命的研究一>,干衣机(气体或电动)的平均寿命是13年。相比于其他家电,但目前双方的人身和财产危害干燥器是一个相当简单的电器与长寿命。及时干燥器维护将减少潜在的问题,并确保作为例外它是否运行正常。 p> DIV>
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Study of Life Expectancy of Home Components, 这是由National Association of Home Builders (NAHB),洗衣机的平均寿命是10年。虽然洗衣机不是为了永久使用而制造的,但进行简单的维护将有助于确保它们的使用寿命与预期一样长或更长,而且实际上还会降低洗衣机对你家造成严重水损害的可能性。—google_ad_section_end—> 三凹入天花板灯具淹没在我们的家庭房间内的壁炉。一段时间后,我们在移动时,调光开关控制灯停止运作正常。它开启和关闭灯光,但没有暗淡他们。我们不关心我们无法调暗灯光,影响房间的心情,因为灯泡当时的亮度是不是一个问题。最近,我们开始与紧凑型荧光灯泡(CFL)替代我们incandascent灯泡。所述CFL灯泡我们购买具有比白炽灯流明输出更高,从而产生明亮的光。现在是时候解决我们的调光问题。 p> DIV>
In a recent survey conducted by the Foundation of the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, 60% of the 1,000 people surveyed stated that they avoided installing light fixtures. Homeowners surveyed also avoided unclogging a drain and replacing a window pane, among other things. To see all of the projects homeowners avoided, read Survey Says: Homeowners Avoid Simple Repairs. Over the next few months, the At Home channel will provide how-to articles covering all projects on the list. Our main goal is to show how easy the repairs actually are and that homeowners can do the work themselves. 克诺家的主动召回在家装店购买了近百万家装图书bookstores nationwide between January 1975 and December 2009. The recall was prompted due to faulty wiring diagrams and technical instructions which could possibly lead to shock or fire hazards.