如何,你经常需要清洁管道?建议有所不同,所以个人情况和喜好应该规定这个任务的时间。 STRONG> p> 每一天,我们把我们的家园内的污垢和灰尘颗粒从大自然。我们也产生污垢和灰尘在室内,这取决于我们的日常活动。随着颗粒变得空降,他们纠缠于我们的HVAC系统。(我们的孩子甚至可能下降玩具,袜子,或者球放进去也一样)。由于这种情况持续的时间,粒子沿着管道的内壁积聚。试想一下,你的家具或地板上会是什么样子,如果你从来没有撒他们。清理的污垢,灰尘的管道内积累和碎片是常识和良好管理的一部分。 p> DIV>
通过执行一些简单的维护任务,你可以保持你的冰箱在其整个寿命预期高效运转 - 甚至更长的时间,也许。 According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) 2009 American Housing Survey (AHS), most homes today have some type of refrigerator. These are available in a variety of sizes, styles, and types, big enough for a family of six or small enough for a single person. Whatever type you may have, one thing is certain: your must maintain your refrigerator. According to the Study of Life Expectancy of Home Components, prepared in 2007 by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the average life expectancy of a standard refrigerator is 13 years. Keep it clean, perform simple maintenance tasks, and you’ll help your refrigerator to operate longer than expected. 雨水可以与大的,复杂的,复杂的系统中,连接的雨桶,或一个单一的雨桶收获。单个雨桶被一个落水管下通常安装作为由天沟的。 p> DIV>
A few years ago, our family moved into a home built in the 1980’s. The home has a nice exterior, other than the overgrown landscaping, and the interior plan is functional; however, the decor is original and is in need of updating. While my wife is a big fan of 80’s music, she can do without the decor from that era, and was determined on updating everything during our first month in the home. 三凹天花板灯具充斥在我们的家庭房壁炉。一段时间后,我们在移动时,调光开关控制灯停止运作正常。它开启和关闭灯光,但没有暗淡他们。我们不关心我们无法调暗灯光,影响房间的心情,因为灯泡当时的亮度是不是一个问题。最近,我们开始与紧凑型荧光灯泡(CFL)替代我们incandascent灯泡。所述CFL灯泡我们购买具有比白炽灯流明输出更高,从而产生明亮的光。现在是时候解决我们的调光问题。 p> DIV>
绝缘可以节省你的钱。房主加热和各类能源的它由于各种各样的是其无法控制的变量波动的价格定期冷却他们的房子。降低你的温控器,安装一个可编程的自动调温器,或在每月预算计划可能会降低你的账单登记;然而,您可能忽略了一两件事,才能真正降低你的能源开支,绝缘 STRONG>。在绝缘投资可以节省你的钱,的支付你回来通过减少每月的能源开支的随着时间的推移,以及提供更大的全年提供舒适和安静的室内环境。 p> DIV>
水是必不可少的草。健康的草是由75 - 85%的水和水助攻种子发芽,保持植物的温度,和组织发展,与食品和营养处理一起。没有水,草是容易感染疾病,便会枯黄萎和,虽然非常有弹性,可能会死。健康,郁郁葱葱,绿草从彻底,经常浇水,其中深发展,抗旱根实现。水,频率和浇水的方法量取决于你住在哪里,你长大是什么类型的草,你方法如何完成任务。常见的方法包括手动浇水和自动喷水灭火系统。 p> DIV>
<跨度风格= “字体大小:12磅;”> <强>卷材包裹与蜂窝PVC修剪强> 跨度> 一个食物垃圾处理器,通常称为垃圾处理,发明于1927年根据本 2009 American Housing Survey (AHS) published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), over 50% of homes have a garbage disposal. Also, the Study of Life Expectancy of Home Components that was prepared in 2007 by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) suggests that a residential kitchen garbage disposal has an anticipated life expectancy of 12 years. A garbage disposal can be maintained to achieve its full lifetime with proper use, ensuring it is operating efficiently and safely. If your interior doors are severely stuck, rubbing, scratched, have holes, damaged beyond repair, or just don’t fit with your style, installing new prehung doors will sharpen the appearance of any room in your home and provide easy, daily operation. Installing a prehung door after removing an existing door isn't as difficult as you might think. With some patience and a little know-how, installing a prehung interior door is a project any DIY'er can do. 累在野餐表在草坪上吃,但在保持木甲板?看通过安装摊铺机天井,使在你的后院留下深刻印象。摊铺机庭院的美观和相对较低的维护。如果你雇用承包商,你可以期望支付$ 15- $ 20平方英尺,这取决于你住的地方和什么类型的摊铺机您选择。如果你能留出一些时间,并愿意对你自己的工作,你也可以自己做,节省40%-60%。让我们开始吧! p> DIV>
贵的头一直在阴沟里了吗?正确安装的排水沟和落水管系统执行一个看似简单的任务,收集的水排水管从屋顶与引导其从离家出走。很多时候,业主支付很少或几乎没有注意自己的水槽和落水管,并依次进行了系统不佳,甚至失败。缺乏维护的允许堵塞,渗漏,并可能损坏你的家。这些问题也越来越广泛和昂贵的维修,然后以防止与维护。 p> DIV>
室外照明照亮社交聚会,安慰我们额外的安全保障,使我们的工作或娱乐,并增强了我们家的花园美学从黄昏到黎明。与各种可用的室外照明灯具,选准一个可以稍微令人生畏。了解可用的室外照明技术,工艺和夹具将让你在太阳下山后更好地利用你的财产。 p> DIV>
在1914年,罗伯特·佛洛斯特,在他的诗修墙的,“好篱笆才有好邻居。”您可以选择建立在你的财产隐私栅栏的原因有很多:增加安全性,隐私或安全;附上宠物或孩子;消除视线超出你的财产;或者干脆增强你家的遏制上诉 A>。一旦你获得需要以及布局和安装技术材料的理解,建设木材隐私围栏作业很多人自己动手可以完成。 p> DIV>
木地板是持久的,美观的,和负担得起的室内地板覆盖物。按照全国木地板协会(NWFA),“在房地产代理的一项全国性调查,90%的人表示“有木地板卖得更快和价格比没有木地板的房子高于房屋。既然如此,谁不希望有一个木地板?此前赛车并购买木地板,我们需要了解什么是可用的,并记住,所有的木地板都是不一样的。 p> DIV>
瓷砖地板是一个极其耐用,长期投资应定期照顾到双方保持其外观和价值。事实上,一个很好的照顾瓷砖地板可以持续一生。根据< em >国内组件寿命的研究< / em >,准备在2007年的< a href = " http://www.nahb.org/ " target = "平等" >住宅建筑商协会(NAHB) < / >,瓷砖地板的平均寿命是75年到100年,而天然石材如大理石和花岗岩可以持续100多年。< / p > < / div >
瓷砖地板是由多种材料,例如粘土,石头,金属,水磨石和石英制成。每种类型的瓷砖地板都有自己的标志性特征。一般而言,两种最常用的类型的瓷砖地板的是陶瓷和天然石材。 p> DIV>
防止我们的浴室内水渍是一样重要引导水远离从我们的家园。铆接,如例行维护房主的一部分,可避免防止损坏周围的多个灯具和位于浴室内不同的建筑材料。要开始,所有你需要知道的是浴室是需要定期维护,如何清除现有的嵌缝,以及如何申请填缝新珠内的区域。 p> DIV>
<强>电弧故障电路断续器(ACFIs)去激励电路在检测到电弧故障时,防止过热和可能的燃烧。ACFIs加强安全在任何家庭,并且需要一些新的建筑,由国家不同。 STRONG> p> 在过去的十年左右,约电弧故障电路中断,并在住宅建设其所需使用的讨论官员,机构,企业和相关建筑行业个体之间已经炸开了锅。Change can be difficult but “only the wisest and stupidest of men never change," as Confucius said. Change has occurred consistently in residential electrical systems since Thomas Edison unveiled the first electric light on New Year’s Eve, 1879. Knob and tube, cloth-braided, PVC-jacketed, two wire then three wire, fuses then breakers… the list goes on and on. Change happens. Most of that change can be attributed to our steadily increasing understanding of electricity since we were first electrified. With its increasing use in our homes, and the considerations of inhabitants’ safety and the prevention of property damage, it is not surprising that regulations have continued to change. So why do we resist? We should expect change and grow with it, particularly when it is in the interest of our own safety and can prevent the loss of property. <强>电弧故障电路断续器(ACFIs)去激励电路在检测到电弧故障时,防止过热和可能的燃烧。ACFIs加强安全在任何家庭,并且需要一些新的建筑,由国家不同。 STRONG> p> 在过去的十年左右,约电弧故障电路中断,并在住宅建设其所需使用的讨论官员,机构,企业和相关建筑行业个体之间已经炸开了锅。Change can be difficult but “only the wisest and stupidest of men never change," as Confucius said. Change has occurred consistently in residential electrical systems since Thomas Edison unveiled the first electric light on New Year’s Eve, 1879. Knob and tube, cloth-braided, PVC-jacketed, two wire then three wire, fuses then breakers… the list goes on and on. Change happens. Most of that change can be attributed to our steadily increasing understanding of electricity since we were first electrified. With its increasing use in our homes, and the considerations of inhabitants’ safety and the prevention of property damage, it is not surprising that regulations have continued to change. So why do we resist? We should expect change and grow with it, particularly when it is in the interest of our own safety and can prevent the loss of property. 即热式热水器都在最“绿色家园改进”名单热门线路项目。是否安装即热式热水器还清,如果是这样,它需要多长时间才能看到你的投资回报?这取决于你的使用率和其他因素...检查出的成本比较之下 STRONG> p> 我们大多数人认为热水是理所当然的 - 但我们真的不应该。按照美国能源部中,加热水占14%-25在我们的家园所消耗的能量%。如果你和大多数人一样,你有一个传统的燃气容积式热水器,供应你的家庭。如果失败的话,你很可能会立即与其他传统燃气容积式热水器取代它,因为这是最便宜的选择,它会迅速减轻任何潜在的另一个冷水淋浴。Iinstead等待,直到你的加热器休息,你应该计划(现,而水是热的!)为您的热水器的替代品。We’ll provide basic information about some of your options by taking a look at two types of ENERGY STAR-qualified water heaters: high-efficiency gas storage and whole-home gas tankless. Then, when your water heater fails, you’ll be able to make an educated decision and purchase an energy-efficient replacement. 你知道,如果你有一个冷冻管做什么 - 甚至是如何判断这是什么问题?了解如何识别和补救冷冻管,或者更好的,防止他们在第一时间冻结。 STRONG> p> 据的老农夫的年历的,这个即将到来的冬天会异常寒冷和暴风雨天气的季节。而在北方的家庭更容易体验到冷的温度更长的持续时间,在南部房主不应该忽略一个或两个寒流的潜力。在寒冷的冬季,冷冻管是一个严重的风险对你的健康和家庭。随着老人冬季指日可待,现在是时候保护你的家庭和防止冷冻管。 p> DIV>
It’s no fun to end up with wet feet when you step into your basement, not to mention the fact that extensive flooding can cause real damage. Even if you have a sump pump, it is a piece of equipment that can fail just when you need it most. Find out what your options are for a backup pump and what it will cost. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." — Benjamin Franklin Houses with in-ground basements, if they were built after the 1980s, commonly have AC-powered sump pumps installed. The sole purpose of such a pump is to discharge groundwater that is collected in a sump, then direct it outside and away from the foundation. The anticipated life span of a pump depends on how often it’s used, as well as the size, type, and quality of the pump installed. Unfortunately, there is no definitive duration of time that one can expect a sump pump to last; it may operate for 5, 15, or even 30 years. No matter the age of the pump, it won’t operate during a power failure, and such failures are common enough occurrences during severe storms. For these reasons, a sump pump’s failure to operate cannot be planned for. The best work-around is to put in place a preventative measure, such as a battery or water powered backup sump pump system, to insure that groundwater is collected and removed. 添加成品表面的地下室外墙将使其感觉更像是一个“真正”的房间。在这里学到了如何做的步骤,并找出材料的选择是最适合你。 STRONG> p> 这是未完成的地下室可以是一个阴暗潮湿是很少用于除存储以外的任何地方。虽然地下室通常未完成时,家建成后,在某些时候家里的生命周期中居民通常需要额外的生活空间;地下室的面积有多大通常提供了一个家庭娱乐室,家庭办公室,甚至游戏室宽敞的空间。一个关键组成部分整理地下室一>正在申请完成到外部基础墙。了解什么类型的饰面可将帮助您创建一个完全适合居住的,舒适,健康的生活空间。 p> DIV>
在浴室是的一个区域家,是非常容易受到水害。阵雨,浴盆,厕所和面盆每天提供数百需求加仑的水。另外,从浴缸和淋浴蒸发的水和蒸汽显著增加室内湿度。适当设计的浴室应包含基底材料根据该有效管理水和湿气,以防止结构的问题和抵抗霉菌生长的表面光洁度。 p> DIV>
防止我们的浴室内水渍是一样重要引导水远离从我们的家园。铆接,如例行维护房主的一部分,可避免防止损坏周围的多个灯具和位于浴室内不同的建筑材料。要开始,所有你需要知道的是浴室是需要定期维护,如何清除现有的嵌缝,以及如何申请填缝新珠内的区域。 p> DIV>
瓷砖地板可以被安装在各种位置。在此之前购买瓷砖地板项目花时间来回答几个问题:是对瓷砖将被位于室内或的户外?这个房间将被用来做什么?是瓷砖将被安装在湿区?很多的客流量如何每天都在房间里的经历吗?识别这些问题的答案将定义一个地砖都会有特定的特性,以满足您的需求。 p> DIV>
Tile floors are an extremely durable, long-term investment that should be regularly cared for to preserve both their appearance and value. In fact, a well cared for tile floor can last a lifetime. According to the Study of Life Expectancy of Home Components, which was prepared in 2007 by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the average life expectancy of a ceramic tile floor is 75 to 100 years, while natural stone such as marble and granite can last more than 100 years.
外饰是一个家庭的外观和转售价值的重要组成部分。更重要的是,它提供了在弯道和周围的门窗洞口,其中材料的转变发生防止潮湿。传统上,外饰已经用木头做的,由于其初始成本低,安装方便,和熟悉的建筑材料。然而,一些材料可以用作木质装饰,包括线圈涡卷和蜂窝PVC装饰的替代品。 p> DIV>