任何人谁瞥见新西兰风景如画的海滩或连绵起伏的绿色丘陵和山区地形中像“指环王”影片展示了能够想象,为什么新西兰人重视自己国家的自然美景和享受消费的时间在户外。新西兰队在竞争2011年太阳能十项全能竞赛并且是由惠灵顿维多利亚大学的学生建筑的学校,设计,市场营销,电子商务,旅游管理和建筑科学。其参赛作品标题第一道曙光because “New Zealand is the first place the morning light shines at the start of a new day,” and it conveys the students’ pride in their country to attendees on the National Mall in Washington, DC, all the way on the other side of the world. In fact, First Light is the Solar Decathlon’s first and only entry from the Southern Hemisphere.