03 47 13倾斜混凝土 来自世界各地的最新建筑,可持续设计,DIY想法和建筑项目- Buildipedia涵盖了整个建筑环境的视频,文章和社交网络。//www.diesprinter.com 8月26日星期四03:03:18 +0000 Joomla !开源内容管理 en - 摇上混凝土 //www.diesprinter.com/雷竞技raybeknowledgebase/division-03-concrete/03-40-00-precast-concrete/03-47-13-tilt-up-concrete/03-47-13-tilt-up-concrete //www.diesprinter.com/雷竞技raybeknowledgebase/division-03-concrete/03-40-00-precast-concrete/03-47-13-tilt-up-concrete/03-47-13-tilt-up-concrete
Tilt-Up Concrete

This topic includes information related to tilt-up concrete placed during construction. Tilt-up concrete or tilt-up construction wall panels are concrete walls that are cast in forms on a cured slab next to their intended location, allowed to cure and then tilted up, into place. Tilt-up concrete wall panels have embedded connectors and attachments, are reinforced with steel, and formed to include openings and reveals within a panel. A crane is used to hoist or tilt the wall panel from it's horizontal position into the intended vertical position.

staff@www.diesprinter.com (Buildipedia员工) 03 47 13倾斜混凝土 Sun, 19 july 2009 00:21:32 +0000