在冬季,大量冷空气可能会泄漏到门窗洞口周围的房子中,这主要是因为门窗的框架(或粗糙)开口大于门窗的实际尺寸。通过移除窗框饰条并用绝缘泡沫密封胶填充空间,密封并绝缘该空间。缝隙可能被干墙或石膏隐藏,因此您可能需要打几个洞才能进入。使用低压泡沫密封胶,以避免在窗框上产生压力,从而妨碍窗框的操作。不要使用泡沫填充旧双挂窗的重量袋,除非您已经用替代机制更换了重量、滑轮和绳索成本:每扇窗户或门5至10美元。密封饰件上方的空气泄漏。 沿外墙延伸的底板和顶饰条也是冷空气渗透的来源。沿饰板/墙板接缝涂抹一条“门窗”嵌缝料,并用湿手指将其抹平。手边有一些纸巾来擦去多余的填缝物成本:20至40美元//www.diesprinter.com/images/masterformat/athome/2013.12.16_10_Ways_to_Keep_Warm/air-sealing.JPG“style=”float:left;margin:0 20px 20px 0;“title=”围绕墙壁开关填缝|照片由Joe Provey提供”alt=“围绕墙壁开关填缝”/> 通风扇、嵌入式灯、外墙上的电气插座和开关可能是不舒适气流和能量损失的重要来源。通过在夹具或箱体与干式墙之间的间隙中填缝来解决问题。在进行填缝之前,拆除盖板和装饰件。对于电气箱,在将盖板拧回原位之前,在盖板下方安装泡沫垫圈此视频显示了如何密封插座成本:30至50美元 窗扇、侧壁、窗台和窗台之间以及窗扇和栏杆之间的微小间隙加在一起。外门周围的也一样。根据间隙的大小,累积的“洞”可能有篮球那么大!安装防风雨条既简单又便宜。别忘了在外门上扫门成本:80至120美元 泄漏的、未隔热的管道可以在需要的地方减少暖气流量。它们也会浪费大量的能量。使用管道胶泥密封所有管道接头和孔,尤其是空气处理器附近的接头和孔成本:$204。密封墙壁和天花板贯穿件周围的空气泄漏。
Make sure that the supply and return registers and grilles in your forced-air HVAC system aren’t blocked or covered by rugs, furniture, or furnishings. Blockages disrupt the balance of supply and return air, making the HVAC system operate inefficiently. Blocked registers and grilles can also starve your furnace of air, causing the heat exchanger to overheat and crack. Cost: $0
For a cozy, comfortable home, warm air must be able to circulate freely from the furnace to every room of the house and then back to the furnace. In a room lacking a return duct, especially one with a closed door, air pressure may build and resist the introduction of a new supply of warm air from the furnace. Leaving the door open or installing a simple jumper duct from the closed room to one with a return vent will help to solve the problem. Watch this video on installing jumper ducts to better understand why comfort depends on a balanced duct system. Cost: $0 to $80
A typical fireplace is a major source of cold air drafts during the winter. Cold air gets sucked down the chimney and warm air escapes, even with the damper closed. Stop this leakage (and save on heating costs) by installing a “chimney balloon” or “chimney pillow.” After inserting this tough plastic balloon into your flue, inflate it to seal the chimney. Remove it when you want to build a fire, and replace it after the flue has cooled completely. Cost: $70
Superstorm Sandy后的重建涉及更新的洪水灾害法规和产品能承受恶劣天气的< /强> < / p > < / div >
俄克拉何马州的房主Terri Underhill嫉妒。在看到她邻居新买的DaVinci roofscapes聚合物石板屋顶后,她就开始“嫉妒屋顶”——她知道该怎么做了。< / p > < / div >
没有良好、稳定的清洁水源,家庭就不能正常生活。许多家庭不必要地浪费大量的水,不仅对环境造成了影响,也影响了我们的钱包。< /强> < / p > < / div >
选择纤维水泥壁板将大幅提高壁板升级的投资回报率,并具有抑制吸引力和能源效率的直接效益。< /强> < / p > < / div >